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The purpose of God Promised! is to spread the Good News about God's promises to His people. This page contains links to audio and video Bible teachings and Acrobat PDF files highlighting some of God's Promises. All of the information on this page may be freely downloaded and distributed.

Audio/Video Bible Lessons
No. Title Description Audio
Something To Boast About
Tom Burgo explains why God is something to boast about in this message delivered at the Shabbat service at Shema Yisrael on February 5, 2011.
mp3 file. flash video of sermon
What About Faith? What exactly is faith? What is it good for? Why does one need it? How does one get it?
Tom Burgo discusses some of the important details of faith in this message given at the Sharing Our Bread service at Shema Yisrael on June 12, 2012.
mp3 file. .flash video of Power Point
3 God's Loving Curse!
God cursed the world because of His great love for us! It was for our sake!
Tom Burgo discusses the details of God's Loving Curse in this message given at the Hope Shop food outreach service at Joy Community Church on June 29, 2012.
mp3 file

Audio Downloads
Download or listen to the latest God Promised! radio ads

No. Title Description
1 Our land can be healed 2 Chronicles 7:14 contains the key to healing our land and solving the problems that plague our nation. Tract 1

No. Title Description
1 Trust in the LORD Proverbs 3:5-6 is good advice for helping you navigate through life's twists and turns. Bookmark 1

No. Title Description
1 The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as Recorded in the Four Gospels According to the World English Bible The 4 Gospels have often been criticized because of alleged contradictions. It has been said that the recorded descriptions of the events surrounding the death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ do not agree with each other in several ways. Read this parallel account of the passion, death and ressurection of Jesus Christ and decide for yourself if there are any contradictions.
2 The Christmas Story The conception and birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the World English Bible
3 The Christmas Story in Booklet Format The conception and birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the World English Bible in booklet format. The 4 pages in this version should be printed on 2 sheets, double sided, and folded in half.

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